Running Injuries in Knoxville

8 Essential Running Secrets For Running Longer, Stronger and Pain Free In Knoxville
If you’ve recently had a running related injury, or if you’ve been suffering with an injury for a while – it can be very tempting to pass it off as “nothing serious” and simply “put up with it.” So many runners just accept the fact that running injuries are normal and will just “run through” the pain until either they can’t any longer and their injury forces them to shut it down.
Others will just know that if they run above a certain mileage that they are “rolling the dice”…
“What Is Running Anyways….”
“I Mean Is Running Just Like Walking- Just A Lot Faster?”
Not really- most runners fail to recognize that running is a skilled movement. When performed correctly it can be a beautiful thing. Incorrectly and well you know- painful and injury prone.
If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – we see people going through this all the time.
I’m going to ask you to consider something. When the strongest, healthiest runners in the world get injured, they DON’T WAIT to start working their way back to health – they start treatment the NEXT DAY because they know that every extra day you aren’t active is another day you are losing wellness and strength and the more strength you lose, the harder it is to recover from an injury.
This is completely the opposite to the way that most people respond to a running injury, and is why so many people think running injuries are “normal”. I’d argue that running injuries are “common” but NOT “normal”!
“It’s Been Months Now – So Why Am I Still Suffering With An Injury That’s Slowing Me Down Or Stopping Me From Running”
Most people think that when they get a running injury it’ll get better with a few days rest. What I see with our runners is that injuries accumulate. An IT Band issue starts, then the knee, then the foot, and so on. And you just push through. One day it’s your knee, then it’s your hip. You never want to sign-up for an event too far in advance because who knows if you’ll be injured or not…
Maybe you take some time off, but then when they go back to running again they’re still restricted – sometimes it’s even worse than it was when it first came on. Often when you rest there is little if any pain – but as soon as you start up again, it comes back and no matter how much rest you give it – it doesn’t seem to be improving.
And just resting does nothing to get to the why behind your injury. Was there something going on that contributed to your injury- perhaps your sprain is due to underlying stability and muscle imbalance issues that need to be addressed.
Does This Sound Like You?
Another scenario we see all the time in our clinic is someone has gone to their doctor and their well-meaning doctor told them they need to take a break, rest, wear a support and “try these painkillers” to “see how it goes” – but then 4 weeks later they end up going back to the same doctor again because the injury hasn’t got any better, only to be given MORE rest, and ANOTHER prescription of even stronger pills.
The problem is that when it comes to running injuries – hamstrings, ankle sprains, runner’s knee etc., – complete rest is rarely the best advice.
So maybe you’re confused and frustrated because you have been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have a back problem – but it’s actually the hip where the problem came from?
Running injuries can be very confusing because more often than not, where the pain is coming from, isn’t actually the area that needs to be fixed. That ankle sprain you thought you recovered from may be the reason for your hip pain…
This confusion over “resting” often leads people to continue to procrastinate and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their injury and return back to running. Despite what some people think, rest is never the answer to solve any running or muscle injury. In all my years as a physical therapist working with athletes, I haven’t witnessed any injury in any sport that is helped by prolonged rest. Worse, many people just end up accepting ‘their days of being active are over’ – as if it’s normal, as if it ‘has’ to be that way. They unintentionally choose an unnecessary limitation because they don’t believe they can get better, when more often than not, they can!
We would love to help you by inviting you to book a call at our West Knoxville clinic to find out what can be done to help you. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things already is actually a GOOD THING because when you know what doesn’t work – you are closer to finding the thing that does!
Call us if you would like to get some solid advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over.
Our Goal is to Help You Make the Right Decision About What to do Next for the Best…
here’s 4 things you can do:
- First off, you need to make a decision about getting help. So many people procrastinate for so long, thinking that the pain will ‘just go away with time’, but then 6 months down the line they’re still putting up with it, and nothing’s changed… Or it gets worse and they’re still sitting out from playing sport, or exercise completely.
- Next, do the RIGHT exercises – one of the best things to help you recover quickly and safely from an injury is to do the right series of progressed exercises – the right exercises given to you by a Physiotherapist will help reduce pain, and allow you to move freely and return to running again quick – and make sure that the problems don’t come back any time soon.
- Avoid “too much rest” – while rest is an important part of the recovery process, too much rest won’t do anything to help you recover quick. Many people believe that recovery means total rest from exercise. But in order for an injury to recover, blood flow is needed which rest prevents. It would really help if you were given appropriate recovery and strengthening exercises to heal the injury, alongside hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy again as quickly as possible.
- Get real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy – Physical Therapy is proven to help people with Running Injuries. If your injury is stopping you from runnnig and keeping active, if it’s affecting your job, or if it threatens your independence and gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – Simply Physio can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible.
If you would like to see how our team can help you return to being active as quickly and safely as possible – we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free appointment:
Note: At your Discovery Session you’ll meet 1-on-1 with one of an expert Physical Therapist. We’ll assess and help you understand the root cause of your pain. If we’re a good fit, we’ll discuss the best next steps. If we’re not, we’ll do everything we can to direct you towards a solution.
So the next question is:
“How Can Simply Physio Help You Get Rid Of Your Running Injury For Good?”
Here’s just a few of the things our Physical Therapy Running Specialist can do for you:
- We can help you find out what’s really going on, and get to the root cause of your injury once and for all – often inside 20 minutes.
- We can quickly take away the pain and stiffness – usually within the first few sessions.
- We will make sure that your problem is “corrected” and “healed” properly – and we will provide you with the perfect set of exercises that will speed up your recovery.
- Pain can “zap” you of energy and keep you from running and doing your favorite activity – we can help you to enjoy living with more energy each day, and return to doing what you love safely.
- We can help you put an end to needing to take all of those painkillers which are obviously not very good for your long-term health.
- We can help you avoid dangerous surgery – and painful injections.
- We can help you get back to enjoying running or training with your friends and running groups.
- We can help you get back to enjoying running or training with your friends and running groups.
Basically… the Simply Physio team can help you get back to living life free from daily, annoying and frustrating Running Injuries, and return to the exercise you love.
If you want to know more about cost and availability, then please call us at (865) 351-0615.
“What Some of our Running Patients In Knoxville Have to Say…”
Find out how people just like you, came to Simply Physio – and left happier and much healthier!