Episode 1: What is Stay Healthy Knoxville?

Episode 1: What is Stay Healthy Knoxville?

February 20, 2023

September 8, 2018

The Stay Healthy Knoxville podcast is for people in and around Knoxville, TN and the greater east TN area who want to live a healthy and fit lifestyle while enjoying all of Knoxville and having a whole lot of fun along the way. A majority of the episodes will be of health and fitness experts and business owners, who live and work here in Knoxville- the expert knowledge discussed will be a great asset and resource for Knoxvillian’s who want to take full advantage of the amazing health and fitness community that we have here locally and also for those who want to stay connected with amazing events and opportunities in and around Knoxville that help promote a healthy lifestyle.

The podcast will give you instant and easy access to the latest local news, trends, and information to help you improve your health, fitness, and wellbeing right here in Knoxville.

Stay Healthy Knoxville will cover a vast array of healthy living topics and opportunities for you and your family to participate in and around Knoxville, including: community festivals and events, yoga, pilates, outdoor Knoxville adventures, unique Knoxville workout communities, diet, nutrition, nutritional intolerances and allergies, functional medicine, integrative medicine, allopathic medicine, alternative medicine, genetics and genetic testing, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, active recovery, physical therapy, dentistry, cryotherapy, regenerative therapies, stem cell and platelet rich plasma injections, human performance research, performance psychology, meditation, mental health, local athletic events, healthy Knoxville restaurants, and businesses involved with all of the above.

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