Is Your Night-time Routine The Reason For Your Neck Pain?

When I get patients ask me ‘why do I get neck pain?’ it can sometimes be difficult to answer. Not because I don’t know how to ease neck pain, but I don’t know their personal circumstances. What I can suggest however, is that it is your nighttime...

Why Knee Pain Gets Worse When You Exercise And How To Ease It…

Got this question sent to me yesterday by a “confused” reader of my newspaper articles suffering with knee pain.. === “Hey John-Mark, I’ve been suffering with a pain in my right knee now for a few weeks. What I can’t put my finger on is...

Sciatica and Back Pain: When Do I Use Ice?.. And When Do I Use Heat?

Confused about whether you should use ice or heat to help ease your sciatica and back pain?…  Easily one of the most common questions get asked on a daily basis, and it’s something that confuses many people too.. “Should I use ice or heat to ease my...

Stuck At Home Hurting or in PAIN?

These Virtual Physical Therapy Visits Are Helping People Like You Get Back On Track To Being Active, Mobile And Independent So You Can Continue to Do What You Love While YOU Are Socially Distancing Yourself Are you currently stuck at home and dealing with an injury or...