Need Toilet Paper? . . . And a PT’s Secrets to Solving Low Back Pain
For this months Stay Healthy Knoxville podcast- guess who was the special expert guest… me! People had been requesting to hear from me on the topic of lingering back pain and so I decided to take a...
Love or Lockdown?
I'd like to share a timely reflection from Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM,. (shared to me by a mentor of mine) I pray that you'll be encouraged by his wonderful words in the midst of the Coronavirus...
Now is the Time to Invest
We pride ourselves in putting the CARE back in health-care. And we realize there is a lot of fear and anxiety surrounding Covid-19. We understand you may have questions about how we can all do our...
Stuck At Home Hurting or in PAIN?
These Virtual Physical Therapy Visits Are Helping People Like You Get Back On Track To Being Active, Mobile And Independent So You Can Continue to Do What You Love While YOU Are Socially Distancing...
Employee of the Year!
One year ago today was a monumental day in the history of Simply Physio. I had started the practice the beginning of 2018 and had seen steady growth. I was a one-man band- grinding, working hard,...
The # 1 best thing I have going on right now!
A little over 2 years ago I started Simply Physio. This was a huge step of faith for myself, my wife, and my family. My wife, Faith, and I met in Chattanooga back in 2007. I was fresh out of...
Can Physical Therapy Help Your Headache- Take this quiz to find out…
Headache Quiz- Can Physical Therapy Help? Headaches and migraines can be debilitating. I have had a few migraines in my life and man do they shut me down. I tend to get my migraines when I’m...
The ONE Thing That Makes Sciatica Worse And What To Do About It
One day your cleaning up around the kitchen and you bend over to get a cup out of the dishwasher and bam- the pain hits. It comes out of nowhere. A sharp stabbing pain in your back that makes it...
DIY Almond Milk- A Staple For Our Family!
Have you heard that Whole Foods is adding make your own almond milk stations in their stores? Looks pretty cool, huh… especially when you market it in a nice, sleek set-up like in the picture. I...
Don’t Treat Back Pain with a Band-Aid
We’ve all been there… we’re reading the newspaper or opening the latest piece of mail and suddenly we cut our finger. Without hesitation we’re off to the kitchen for a Band-Aid. That’s all good and...