Don’t Treat Back Pain with a Band-Aid

We’ve all been there… we’re reading the newspaper or opening the latest piece of mail and suddenly we cut our finger. Without hesitation we’re off to the kitchen for a Band-Aid. That’s all good and well, but what happens when we hurt ourselves more severely? When we,...

Why Stretching Doesn’t Always Help

When it comes to feeling stiff or hurt, most people assume that they need to work on moving the part of their body that feels tight. Conventional wisdom suggests that if something is tight, it needs to be stretched. This is called working on your “flexibility or...

Arthritis? Not to Worry

Almost every single day I interact with a person who “HAS” arthritis. They say it like it is a death sentence. Like they are doomed to pain and the inability to enjoy life. How does one know if they have arthritis? Well, they just feel because their parent, sibling,...

Favorites of 2018

The end of the year we often find ourselves reflecting on the past with hopeful anticipation for the coming year. I love this time of the year as it feels like we all get a clean slate to start fresh and leave our failures in the past. The Christmas season is behind...

Why Aches And Pains Feel Worse In Winter

Are your joints starting to feel stiff lately? Do they ache more than usual? Have you noticed any clicks and cracks coming from your knees? If you’re struggling to put your finger on it and you’re not sure why it’s happening to you -chances are you’re not alone. Many...

Do I Really Need An MRI?

The number one question I get as a physical therapist is, “Don’t I need an MRI to know what’s going on or what’s wrong?” Or stated, “Shouldn’t I get an MRI before coming in to see a physical therapist?” First of all, if you’re asking this question, then you are likely...