Employee of the Year!

Employee of the Year!

November 25, 2019

One year ago today was a monumental day in the history of Simply Physio. I had started the practice the beginning of 2018 and had seen steady growth. I was a one-man band- grinding, working hard, and doing everything to get the business established. I knew from the get-go where I was headed and that I would figure it out one step at a time.

The first big step was to hire an administrative assistant. That is where Ashley Carroll stepped into the history books of Simply Physio. She became our 1st official employee, who I will forever be indebted to. I had never had an employee or someone who I was responsible for. “Would I have come to work for a young start-up if I were in her shoes?” Probably not…

Ashley left the security of a job at UT Medical Center, and ventured out into a very different job, where she probably didn’t know what she was getting into. She took a bigger risk on me than I probably did on her. She saw the vision, believed in it, believed in me and came on board. Wow!

She has been a trooper every step of the way. I have asked her to be a chameleon, to wear many different hats. I constantly change up her job responsibilities and she keeps truck’in. As soon as she has mastered something (which doesn’t take long), I throw 2-3 more things at her.

Not only this, but she has been doing her job while being pregnant the past 6 months. She hasn’t missed a beat and has always been up to the task.

If you have stepped into the clinic you know what a special person Ashley is. Her warm greetings, her smile, her patience. The reason many of ya’ll have come back is because of the way Ashley has helped you feel comfortable and valued.

Ashley deserves to be celebrated. If you have had the chance to meet Ashley, I’m sure you have come away encouraged and uplifted. If this is the case- would you join me in celebrating her!

If you felt so inclined- her and her husband will be having their 1st child, a baby girl, in February. Would you want to bless them with a baby gift. If so be sure to check out their registry at Walmart or Target.

Thank you Ashley as we celebrate 1 year at Simply Physio! You are a ROCK STAR!!


Dr. John-Mark

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