Stuck At Home Hurting or in PAIN?

Stuck At Home Hurting or in PAIN?

April 15, 2020

These Virtual Physical Therapy Visits Are Helping People Like You Get Back On Track To Being Active, Mobile And Independent So You Can Continue to Do What You Love While YOU Are Socially Distancing Yourself

  • Are you currently stuck at home and dealing with an injury or pain?
  • Would you like to talk to an expert about what you can do (right now) to start to get some relief… without having to leave your house?
  • Are you interested in reclaiming your health even while we are under the “Safer at Home” orders?
  • Are you bored or needing some hope- and would love to tell us about your injury or pain

If this describes you- then fill out this form below and I will be happy to set up a time where we can schedule your “Virtual” Discovery Visit

During This “Virtual” Discovery Visit You Will Have Questions Answered


  • What is wrong
  • What options you have to fix the problem naturally
  • How long it will take to fix the problem
  • Actual costs for fixing it

Here are the Answers to some of the Questions that we get asked the most:

1. How does Virtual Physical Therap​y work?

It’s really simple! It is just like a standard visit except we aren’t physically there. Instead, you get to see and talk to us on your phone or computer screen from a location that is convenient to you.

You will get the same level of care that you have come to expect from Simply Physio. Many of you that have received treatment in our office know that a big component of our sessions is actual hands on work to help you feel and move better. Of course there is no way for us to actually do our hands on work virtually, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get you the same outcomes that you excpect. In a virtually session, we are able to show you self-techniques to elicit the changes needed for you to start feeling better.


2. Who is Virtual Physical Therapy for?

Virtual PT is a great fit for the majority of people. If you can click on a link we email to you, then you can handle the technological side of it.

As we go through the free Discovery Visit, we make sure that you really are a good candidate for physical therapy. If you do qualify to work with us, we can get you on the road to getting rid of your pain and getting back to the activities you love. If not, you will at least find out what is going on and we will refer you on to the right kind of treatment to help you with whatever it is you are dealing with.

We know that you have things that you want to do and we are here to help you achieve those goals. Whether it is relief of back or neck pain that has been nagging you, guidance on how to improve your workouts, or practical advice on how to improve your running to finally complete that 5k that has been one of your goals, we are able to help and guide you every step of the way.


3. What will my session look like?

Most of your session will look much like what you are used to in your typical PT session. It will begin with a conversation to gain an understanding of your history, symptoms, and goals. Your therapist will then bring you through an examination just like they would if you were in the office. From there they will have an understanding of what is going on and develop a plan of action to help you reach your goals.

Following your appointment, you will receive an email summarizing your session including your diagnosis and your individualized plan. Your therapist will include your Home Exercise Program so you can continue with your exercises and plan.


4. What will you do if you cannot do hands-on work?

We know how much manual therapy (dry needling, myofascial release, and soft tissue mobilization) can help improve outcomes; this is why we often utilize it in our treatment sessions. While we cannot provide it virtually, we are able to teach you several strategies that you will be able to do yourself. For many people these strategies can even be more effective in delivering instant pain relief than our traditional style of treatment. Hands-on care is great, but the exercises and healing movements are the critical piece to achieving long lasting results- and this can be delivered seamlessly through your virtual session.

Hear Julie Share About Her Experience Using Simply Physio’s TeleHealth Physical Therapy Options

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