A little over 2 years ago I started Simply Physio. This was a huge step of faith for myself, my wife, and my family. My wife, Faith, and I met in Chattanooga back in 2007. I was fresh out of physical therapy school and she had just recently graduated from Covenant College. We got married and started our lives together on November 21st, 2009- and then the journey began. Fresh into marriage we tackled an intense home remodel and intentionally lived in a low income neighborhood in a neglected part of Chattanooga. We lived here intentionally as our young church had committed to this particular community and we did as well, moving into the neighborhood. Our first year of marriage we were hit with some unexpected challenges- a bed bug invasion, a home robbery, but God used those challenges to bring us together and to develop a greater reliance on Him.

One thing led to the next, from a physical therapy residence program that I completed, and then 3 kids in 4+ years. We had quickly outgrown our 1300 sq/ft house and we knew that a move was imminent. During this time my work environment had become stale and my entrepreneurial spirit was starting to swell. This was when we had a tough decision to make. Leave a loved community and safe, secure, well paying job in exchange for starting my own practice, moving back to my hometown and starting over in many senses. New community, new church, new friendships, new house project (what were we thinking…) and 3 young kids to boot. It was during this time that Faith stood by my side and said that she was open to the change and would support me and my crazy dream- if that meant uprooting ourselves and moving to Knoxville that she would support that decision.

She trusted me- even when I didn’t fully trust myself. I was expecting more resistance, me having to really convince her. But no- she said that she would trust my decision if I felt strongly one way. I almost felt like I had to argue for her in her defense. “Faith do you realize what this means… this is going to take a lot of work and sacrifice… I’m not going to be around to help out as much as I’d like the next few years… We have 3 young and needy kids… I don’t know when we will be able to take a full weeks vacation… You don’t really know many people in Knoxville… We will have to make some hard financial sacrifices… ” Despite my argument for her- she still trusted in me- that this was in our best interest. Wow- I was shocked- who was this women- my wife, Faith- why would she show such trust. I tried to talk her out of my own idea- but she wouldn’t bite.
So we packed our things and moved up to Knoxville in the spring of 2017. Since moving up to Knoxville there has been hard times, but real sweet times as well. I’ve worked harder and longer than I even thought I could. Faith did the same, working like a champ keeping our kiddos alive, volunteering in the community, spearheading our home remodel (Yes- buying a fixer upper was dumb by any stretch of the imagination). God has been faithful to us and has provided and sustained us. When I have had moments of doubt, or dragging my feet in moments of uncertainty- Faith has been strong. It’s been amazing to see that in my moments of weakness- she has stepped up and encouraged me to make hard decisions.

Now- today we celebrate 10 years of marriage! Ten years!! When I reflect back on the past 10 years and our relationship- I’m reminded of how the Lord has carried us through and how our relationship has grown so much. I’m also reminded of how little I have changed and how Faith has continued to love me despite all my shortcomings.
I still have so much to learn and I know the Lord will continue to work in me and in us. I could have never imagined to have had such a supportive and caring wife. My love for her continues to grow in inexplicable ways. She is truly a gem and the love of my life. It’s funny how the Lord brings two people together and also how he holds two people through the ups and downs of life. How does she put up with me… for 10 whole years- and continues to come back for more. Her love, her faith, her heart, her trust, her commitment all inspire me.
Ten years in and I can’t wait to begin the next ten. Thank you Faith for being my everything! I am a blessed man having you by my side. I know I couldn’t do life without you and I’m so grateful to have you as my wife. Thank you and I love you!! You are the # 1 best thing I have going on right now and forever!